Wednesday 1 October 2014

Time for Improvement

Since the apparent poor performance of the AUG the last game, I've decided to delve into the matter. Several online shops say it has about 100 m/s (330 fps), but I feel I'm not getting that much. I've read something about gearbox modification and since I love fiddling with all sorts of devices, I've come to the conclusion I can make it better.

A tougher spring seems in order since that is the source of the gun's power. Having taken the gearbox out, I see it's also got plastic bushings. Apparently those should be replaced by metal ones. There seem to be either bushings or ball bearings available. I'm thinking proper ball bearings will be better, since they'll make the gears glide even better.

A better air nozzle should also be installed to make sure there are no leaks in there, so I now have on order an M135 irregular spring, some metal ball bearings, and an aluminium, o-ring nozzle. That should do the trick.

I've also read about a hop-up mod I'm interested in trying; the G-hop. Sadly, I managed to break the hop up rubber trying to take out the barrel. The barrel sleeve (an aluminium tube between the inner barrel and the outer barrel) seemed to have somehow been flattened in a certain place, and stupidly I held onto the plastic hop-up unit while trying to pull out the barrel. Of course the hop-up unit gave in, and I tore the rubber into bits when pulling in frustration. I'll get a new rubber tomorrow for the mod, the unit itself seems to still be in one piece.

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